

We can tell a personal and unique story that only comes from engaging as a learner 在新利18社区学院. Data lets us know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We 解释和反思. We celebrate the practices that deliver effective learning and investigate further those that may fall short of our expectations. 我们说with confidence that our students will be able to demonstrate skills 价值d by their industry and skills to shape their identity

It has always been Magielette (Magie) Hudson’s dream to go to college, not just for herself but also to serve as a role model for her six children. 2021年,麦琪毕业了 from 新利18 and has transferred to Bryant to pursue her Bachelor's Degree. 听麦琪的故事.

Building transformative change where we move students from being a repository for information to becoming a self-directed, lifelong learner, engaged as a contributor of social change within and outside of the institution’s community involves a comprehensive assessment program to ensure continuous improvement of educational and program outcomes.

新利18社区学院 developed an on-going 6- year assessment cycle for Academic 事务、支援及服务 & 招生 Management and operational departments whose contribution is to the overall community experience and external stakeholders. 的 5-year assessment cycle leans heavily on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education and 学术课程评审 best practices. 的 work was influenced by Lane Community 大学-学术课程评审.  每次审查包括:

  • Alignment with Institution Mission & 战略目标
  • 资源 | Tools to guide Assessment work
  • 模板
  • Specific deliverables for each year
  • 总结报告
  • 聪明的目标

Beyond the 6-year institutional assessment cycle, we provide an 机构评估 process for General Education Competency and a robust artifact collection.  新利18 is also committed to assessment beyond student learning. 具体来说,我们的运营 departments work to assess community needs, utilization of services/facilities, 通信/市场营销 effectiveness, professional development and education in support of strategic objectives 和更多的.  的se departments utilize a hybrid review model. 也有很多评估 projects that contribute to, but are outside of the 6-year institution review practice. Furthermore, the Lash Center for Teaching and Learning plans and executes professional development opportunities to inform faculty, staff, and administration in the advancement 评估知识. Lastly, Strategic Analytics and Institutional Research Office (SAIR) develops and utilizes a variety of data reports to lead and support a range of assessment and planning activities at the institution.  SAIR监督这些数据 portal and provides access to drive evidence-based data decision making.

We are committed to student success and as learners, we continue to ask how we can be better practitioners and scholars.

的 learning experience should: 

  • Result in something a student will discuss with others 
  • Help a student understand themselves better 
  • Improve a student's understanding of concepts 
  • Provide a student with experience that will be professionally useful and has personal 价值 

We keep in mind the 价值 associated with building equitable & 包容的学习 空间: 

  • Allow students to express their learning in their own words 
  • Makes a student feel confident and can succeed 
  • Includes familiar examples and materials 
  • Measures a student's true understanding and 
  • Allows a student to relate class material to their own experiences.