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推进一个引人入胜的整体教学和学习环境,从而无缝衔接 student experience that prepares them to embrace life’s opportunities.

随着我们的世界不断变化,对更先进的技能组合的需求也在不断变化 with the increased use of technology. In addition to teaching our 学生 technical 与他们的学习项目相关的技能,新利18需要确保所有学生 are provided with the tools they need to be successful in their academic journeys 及以后.

这一战略不仅将挑战新利18将相关技术注入我们的 教学实践,但它也关注我们如何收集和使用数据来衡量我们的 student success and better serve our 学生. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for our 学生 to be able to access all of Bristol’s services remotely and through this strategy, we will continue to improve our efforts.

此外,我们认为创新是改变我们的思维方式,以培养不同的方式 思考挑战过去的做法,因为它涉及到时间,地点,交付 and modality of our educational offerings and support services.

学术创新 Action Plan


  1. 院长,通过我们的劳动力市场数据,审查顶级行业机会 and the strategic planning process and align with current program offerings.
  2. 制定一个计划,建立信用、职业和技术培训以及成人教育 programs to meet the needs of the market (include micro credentials, certificates 和途径).
  3. Identify community partners in conjunction with advisory boards to help build out the programs by identified skills needed (in conjunction with partner think tanks).
  4. Develop customized partner programs targeted to their specific needs (i.e. AutoCAD, 风险管理.、SQL编程).
  5. 为每一个新开发和定制的项目制定一个营销计划 这定义了优先级、角色和责任、主要目标市场和利益 驱动的消息.
  6. 根据市场,制定这些定制项目的目标预期增长 data (information based on market size, partner demand, industry information).
  7. 为每个项目制定明确的职业路径模板,包括可堆叠的证书; career options, transfer options.
  8. 评估低入学率项目是否需要进行必要的修改-确定下一步的指标 steps either closer or growth strategies.
  9. Develop an academic plan for each campus LOCATIONS that supports local market needs.
  10. 恢复顾问委员会制度,实施先前研究的最佳做法 为了吸引参与者,收集和分发数据并设定帮助目标 建设项目.
  11. 确保我们的CAS和项目评审模型包括持续改进 HIPS, equity goals, SLO's and using LMI data to make program modifications.
  12. 确定那些需要修改的程序,以确保最新的技能集 identified for each program and incorporated into the SLO's.



  1. 为入职成人学习者定义明确的沟通流程和协议(其中 do leads go, what are the onboarding steps/checklist that should be followed).
  2. 为学生创建一个通用的定义和术语页面,作为他们入职的一部分 and orientation packets (provide both hard copies and electronic versions).
  3. 开发投资回报单页纸,突出一些财务 benefits associated with degree attainment.
  4. Develop a resource portal for adult learners and add to webpage and checklist. 生活 links with how to videos and resources needed (LMS support, tech support, where to 查找指南等.).
  5. 制作一张表格,突出一些比较受欢迎的职业道路 完成学业的时间和成本以及职业道路(证书、转学选择等).)
  6. 简化注册流程-缩短申请时间,指定教练,顾问 和/或导师,包括之前的学习评估的学分 学生的入职、职业规划应包括在最初的咨询会议中.
  7. Identify and expand on the most needed services by adult learners (transportation 代金券、儿童保育支持、基本需求和心理健康支持)——包括信息 on how to obtain and utilize services in onboarding packet.
  8. 为全日制和非全日制学生制定全年的学习计划 time of onboarding for both day and evening 学生 offering block schedules, if 可能的.
  9. 为阿特伯勒、新贝德福德和陶顿市制定具体的成人学习者招聘计划 LOCATIONS.


  1. 为学生创建一个一站式的学术支持中心 to inquire and receive services that support their growth (tech support, advising, alignment with mentors/affinity groups, tutoring, 等.)
  2. 评估各校区的学生支持时间(书店、辅导、咨询等).) - nights, weekends and online hours should be available.
  3. Increase the use of problem based and project based learning in all courses.
  4. 建立课程地图,包括学生专业的早期课程 to keep them engaged, interested and excited.
  5. 确定哪些项目和课程成功率高,并探索哪些活动 and pedagogy is being used and could possibly be expanded.
  6. 建立并强调与每个项目相关的行业合作伙伴关系和机会.
  7. 制定专业发展计划,确定最佳实践和教学方法 for supporting adult learners.
  8. 为学生提供全年的新利18体验活动,提供各种机会 for 学生 to engage with faculty and staff.
  9. 确定学院的公共空间区域,可以加强以增加学生 舒适和支持. Add couches, computers, 等. - online forums and spaces for adults to connect should also be considered.
  10. Develop an Interface plan from Banner into SLATE (what info., when, how, develop an automated communication plan through the SLATE portal).
  11. 为阿特伯勒、新贝德福德和陶顿市制定具体的成人学习者保留计划 LOCATIONS.


  1. Adopt Quality Matters standards to our course development and assessment .
  2. Review the existing online orientation for content, attendance rates, 等. (考虑 making attendance at orientation mandatory to take an online class).
  3. 确定适用于通过新技术加强学习的项目和课程 such as Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence.
  4. 对那些可以完全在线提供的课程进行盘点 ways to enhance and update the learning experiences.
  5. 找出退学率高的在线课程,并检查原因(缺乏一致性) info, pedagogy, workload, 等.)
  6. 制定标准来衡量我们合理和实质性的沟通政策 学生 in their online courses spaces.
  7. 开发教师在线教学的最佳实践(参与、下载、期望、 等.)
  8. 发展专业发展,支持更多参与的在线学习(基于项目、 翻转课堂,替代评估方法,建立在线社区等.)
  9. 评估我们在线学生的成功率,按课程、年龄、性别、 比赛等. 
  10. 制定一个试点计划,将嵌入式教师纳入在线课程并进行测量 其有效性.
  11. 制定教学在线课程所需的标准、培训和经验.

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