




Advance an engaging holistic teaching and 学习 environment resulting in a seamless 学生的经验,准备他们拥抱生活的机会.


Align Program and Curriculum to Labor Market Data and their identified skill sets.

  • 开发 a framework to assess the viability of academic programs and develop defined career pathway templates for each viable academic program that include stackable credentials 还有职业和转学选择. 
  • Enhance our CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards) academic program review model to include a review of HIPs (High Impact Practices), equity goals, Student Learning Outcomes and use of Labor Market Information (LMI) to inform program improvement. 


开发 a plan that outlines the processes and systems needed to support an adult 学习者模型.

  • Define a clear communication process and protocol for onboarding and orienting adult 学习者.  
  • 开发 specific adult learner recruitment and retention plans for Attleboro, Fall 河,新贝德福德,陶顿和在线学生.  
  • 开发 and implement a professional development program for Bristol employees that 确定支持成人学习者的最佳实践和教学方法.  


开发 a more consistent, robust online 学习 experience for our students.

  • Adopt Quality Matters standards to ensure quality of our online education and student 学习. 
  • Identify online courses with high withdrawal rates and assess 持续改进 机会.  
  • Disaggregate online courses success rates by program, age, gender, ethnicity and assess 持续改进.


Shared responsibility for the success of our students and employees by improving equity-mindedness 确保制度性支持,缩小公平差距.


开发 and implement a recruitment strategy to increase the application rates, hiring 以及大学里少数族裔员工候选人的成功.

  • 开发 and implement employee recruitment strategies that engage affiliations and 与不同社区建立伙伴关系. 
  • 提高员工认知度 & 奖励计划,包括对员工的认可 表彰他们的领导力和对多元化、公平和包容的承诺. 


Increase the success rates of our African American and LatinX students in Gateway 课程减少2%.

  • 开发 equity plans for each academic area and program, as well as at each Bristol 地点和在线学习. 
  • Complete an analysis of success rates by program, disaggregated by demographics. 开发 需要改进成功的项目的措施.


开发 and launch a professional development plan centered around equitable pedagogy 以及高影响力的实践.

  • Launch Tier I of the HEIF Equity Core Competency training and develop an institutional 管理和跟踪员工参与的操作计划. 


Create a culture of innovation through improved processes and collaboration, modern technology and ongoing professional development to support student and employee success.


Align our Information Technology Systems to reduce risk and meet the strategic needs 在大学里.

  • Complete a third-party assessment of the Information Technology Systems area to better understand employee skill sets and develop a team that will enable us to face future 网络安全需求. 
  • 开发 an Information Technology Systems business continuity plan to ensure smooth 如果危机影响到我们的运作能力. 
  • 开发 a technology analysis method that will enable the college to make informed 技术获取决策和减少技术冗余.  
  • Engage the American Association of Collegiate 注册商s and 招生 Officers (AACRAO) to help us develop best practices in records management, admissions, enrollment management, administrative information technology, and student services to ensure our Title IV 合规. 


Create a more productive and supportive working environment for our employees. 

  • Identify the Standard Operating Procedures that the college needs and a timeline for 他们的发展. 
  • Create a resource portal of important information employees need to access within 他们工作的头90天.



  • 开发 and implement a process to ensure that all grants the college pursues align 我们的战略重点、目标和能力. 
  • 开发 and implement a process to solicit donor gifts that support our strategic 优先级、目标和能力.  
  • Assign responsibility 在大学里’s risk management objectives to individual departments.  


Collaborate with educational institutions, alumni, industry and community partners to increase educational attainment and support the talent pipeline to enhance 机会 在该地区.



  • 开发 a plan that identifies each campus’s top strategic partners with purpose, 开发过程中涉及的目标和主要参与者.  
  • Increase the number of community events being held at each campus to increase brand 每个地点的知名度、客流量和收入.
  • Identify 机会 at each campus to increase revenue beyond normal campus operations 实施拓展计划,发展新的合作伙伴.  


开发 a plan that supports the growth and success of our College Access Program.

  • Review the staffing structure of the College Access department to ensure that we have the appropriate human resources to serve student participants and school partners. 
  • Review the enrollment process and data collection methods used to track and report 在我们的每个早期大学项目上. 
  • Conduct an analysis of the success rates of our dual enrollment/early college students 按项目和合作伙伴划分. 



  • 根据证书/学位项目建立一个可搜索的校友数据库. 
  • Identify a classification system of attributes among alumni for easy identification 更有针对性的参与机会. 
  • 制定并实施年度沟通计划以吸引我们的前受奖人. 
  • Increase the number of alumni who currently participate in other voluntary activities: 校友会指导委员会,辅导,演讲活动.
  • Conduct 校友 Satisfaction Survey to Assess feedback on Bristol Experience; modify 基于校友意见的战略方向.
  • 将工作相关信息附加到校友数据中,以便更有针对性地发送消息 & 订婚.