新利18社区学院 generally permits service animals assisting individuals 残疾人士使用学院的所有设施. 因此,一个人 with a 残疾 shall be permitted to be accompanied by his/her service animal in all areas of the College’s facilities where members of the public are permitted. 的 College reserves the right to impose restrictions on the use of service animals on its 财产 in order to maintain safety or to avoid disruption of College operations.

This policy applies only to facilities owned by the College or under its control. Please be advised that there may be restrictions imposed on the use of service animals in non-college facilities, such as hospitals, science laboratories or other clinical 或实习经历地点. 这些限制是由个人制定的 facilities according to their own policies 和 procedures 和 the College has no control 对于这些限制.


的 Americans with Disabilities Act’s regulations define “service animal” as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a 残疾, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other 精神残疾. 其他种类的动物,无论是野生的还是家养的,受过训练的或 untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. 然而,在 certain instances, the use of other animals as a service animal may be permitted under other laws so please consult with the College’s 残疾人服务 Office.


Work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to its h和ler’s 残疾. Examples of work or tasks performed by service animals include, but are 不限于:

  • Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation 和 other tasks;
  • Alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or 的声音;
  • 提供非暴力保护或救援工作;
  • 拉轮椅的;
  • 在癫痫发作时协助患者;
  • 提醒个体存在过敏原;
  • 取回药品或电话等物品;
  • Providing physical support 和一个ssistance with balance 和 stability to individuals with mobility disabilities; 和
  • Helping persons with psychiatric 和 neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting 冲动或破坏性行为.

Services that do not qualify as work or tasks performed by a service animal include:

  • Crime deterrent effects; or
  • 的 provision of emotional support, comfort, or companionship, often referred to as “治疗”或“伴侣”动物.



  • 持有符合马萨诸塞州法律的动物执照;
  • Be properly immunized 和 vaccinated; 和,
  • 佩戴有效的驾照和狂犬病疫苗接种标签.

It is recommended that a service animal wear some type of recognizable symbol identifying 它是一种服务动物. 但是,不需要文件证明 that the animal has had particular training or is a “certified” service animal.


When practicable, a student or employee seeking to use a service animal is requested to notify the Office of 残疾人服务 prior to bringing the animal on to College 财产. 服务性动物的驯兽师将被要求填写一份自愿表格 服务动物登记表格 和一个 服务动物处理员确认. 本文件将由学院保密保存. 如果动物符合条件 as a service animal, the h和ler will voluntarily agree to comply with this policy 当动物在学校内的任何时候. 公众人士 intending to visit the college with a service animal should notify the College’s Office 在可行的情况下,预先申请残疾服务. 具体问题与 在学校使用服务性动物可以直接联系 朱莉 Jodoin-Krauzyk,残疾人服务中心主任 电邮地址: 朱莉.Jodoin@duandragonocean.net 或致电 774.357.2955.


It is permissible for the College to make the following inquiries in order to determine 动物是否有资格成为服务性动物:

  • 是否因为残疾而需要动物? 和
  • 动物被训练去做什么工作或任务?

的 College shall not inquire about the nature or extent of a person’s 残疾. Further, the College shall not make these inquiries about a service animal when it is readily apparent that an animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual 有残疾的.g.,这只狗被观察到引导一个盲人,拉 a person’s wheelchair, or providing assistance with stability or balance to an individual 有明显的行动障碍).


的 College is not responsible for the care or supervision of a service animal. A service animal must be under the control of its h和ler at all times. 服务性动物 shall have a leash or other tether, unless the h和ler is unable because of a 残疾 to use a leash or other tether, or the use of such would interfere with the service 动物安全、有效地完成其工作或任务. 在这种情况下, where a service animal is not tethered, the service animal must be otherwise under 处理程序的控制(例如.g.、语音控制、信号或其他有效手段).


服务性动物必须干净. 每天梳理毛发,偶尔洗澡 把动物的气味降到最低. 适当的跳蚤预防和控制必须 保持. If a service animal’s odor is offensive to other individuals, the h和ler will be requested to bathe the service animal prior to returning to the College. A 服务性动物的饲养员必须清理动物的排泄物. 如果是由于残疾 h和ler is unable to do so, the h和ler shall make alternative arrangements to do so.


的 College may direct an individual with a 残疾 to remove a service animal 如果动物:

  • Is out of control 和 its h和ler does not take effective action to control it (including the animal poses a direct threat to others on campus 和/or exhibits behavior that 干扰教育过程);
  • Is not housebroken, is ill, or presents a reoccurring offensive odor; 和/or
  • 没有得到适当的许可和/或接种疫苗.

If the College excludes a service animal from its premises, it shall still afford the individual with a 残疾 the opportunity to participate in its programs or 没有服务性动物在场的活动.



  • Petting a service animal as it may distract the animal from its work;
  • 喂养服务性动物;
  • 故意惊吓服务性动物的;
  • Calling or attempting to attract the attention of a service animal; 和
  • 试图把服务性动物和它的主人分开.


Any person who believes that his/her rights to use a service animal on College 财产 has been violated may file a complaint under the College’s Affirmative Action Plan by contacting Bristol’s Interim 第九条 Coordinator, 以马内利 Echevarria. 他可能 通过电话与他联系 774.357.2682 或电邮: 以马内利.Echevarria@BristolCC.edu. 可通过以下电话与人力资源办公室联系 774.357.2333 或电邮: DiversityTitleIX@BristolCC.edu.
