
Written by JoAnne Breault, MA
Classes of 1984 and 2012

Alumni Spotlight Alan Silvia IP Image18岁时,美国海军陆战队下士艾伦·西尔维亚(Alan Silvia)是一名通讯操作员 secret clearance. 他带着机密通讯往来于东南亚各地.  Every 在服役期间,他梦想着回到学校,成为第一个 person in his family to go to college. “I made it through some difficult times, boot 营地和步兵训练,但我知道我需要回到学校才能成功。” says Silvia. 现在是马萨诸塞州众议员的西尔维娅回顾了他的旅程.

他的父母在辛苦工作中教会了他责任、忠诚和强烈的职业道德 in the mills. 他的母亲是一名盲人缝纫工,他的父亲也在工作 with textile dying chemicals. “My father never made it past the 7thgrade,” said Silvia. 就像很多住在伦敦南部,从事制造业的家庭一样 was the thread that tied them to Fall River. 

西尔维娅是福尔里弗的终身支持者,他的东南亚之旅和他的承诺 公共服务为他提供了成为强者所必需的经验 倡导退伍军人的福利,为一些最贫困的人带来希望的灯塔 citizens in southeastern Massachusetts. 

他光荣地从美国海军陆战队退伍回家了 a disillusioned young man. Violent protests erupted throughout the United States when public support for the Vietnam War radically declined. “When you are in the military you do not have any choices,” says Alan. “We were following orders and doing what we had to do.他痛苦地回忆起在述职过程中发生的一件事 San Francisco California when he was publicly ridiculed. While in uniform, citizens booed him and called him names. Officers suggested he change to civilian clothes before leaving the base. He felt sad and confused.

《新利18》资助了他的大学学位,并为他的学业提供了前进的动力 his dream of working in law enforcement. He enrolled at Bristol Community College 在以“通过考试”为目标的刑事司法项目中,开始了自己的学业 career with the Fall River Police Department. “Bristol is the right place for our veterans,” he said. 退伍军人可能会在四年制大学里迷路,但他们会 他们在小型社区大学需要的支持和资源. “Bristol gave me the opportunity to start my life over.” 

他深情地回忆起他的导师雷蒙德·拉维图(Raymond Lavertue),以及他是如何把自己的工作经验带给他的 在东普罗维登斯警察局工作的经历. As a student at Durfee High School, Silvia did not feel motivated to study. It was at Bristol that 他培养了“对教育的欣赏”,喜欢“自由和创造力”。 he was given at the college. 

1974年从布里斯托大学毕业后,他获得了刑事司法学士学位 毕业于东北大学,并获得了索尔里贾纳大学的硕士学位. “I never 西尔维娅说:“我做梦也没想到我能拿到硕士学位。. “新利18给了我信心,让我知道我可以获得A并取得成功.” 

1983年,西尔维娅担任福尔河警察局的调查官员 当时一名年轻女子被发现躺在迪曼露天看台下的血泊中 Vocational Technical High School.  As more gruesome murders in Southeastern Massachusetts followed, his education and police training was tested. “Evil really does exist,” said Silvia. 三年来,卡尔·德鲁和一个撒旦邪教吞噬了他的生命 调查揭露了一个与卖淫团伙有关的魔鬼崇拜者. 

“邪教利用仇恨和暴力来操纵人们犯下一些最严重的罪行 vicious crimes in the state,” said Silvia. In many ways this case defined him as he 接受电视纪录片采访,协助作者准备 book Mortal Remains. 西尔维娅的调查将导致德鲁被判谋杀罪. “This case still haunts me now.”

Silvia emerged from the case as a well-respected detective. He went on to investigate 在他担任重案组警探期间他杀了30多起. 1998年在执勤期间,一场严重的车祸使他的职业生涯脱轨. His unmarked police 巡洋舰被一辆高速行驶的车辆从后方撞了. “I 我的脊椎骨折了,我不得不接受我不能再当警察的事实 work.大多数人都会觉得失败,但西尔维娅却在寻找其他方法 serve his community. 

西尔维娅竞选州代表是因为他“对政治代表不满意”。 he had witnessed in the South End. Although he did not win the first time he campaigned for office, he picked himself up and ran again. Since being elected in 2012 as State Representative in the 7thBristol District in Fall River, he has run unopposed. 

西尔维娅说,福尔里弗的南端是联邦最贫穷的社区之一. “我的工作就是帮助别人,我一生中大部分时间都在做这件事.” He dedicates much 时间的组成服务,包括提供资源,就业,住房和 healthcare. 西尔维娅致力于提高居民的生活质量 in his district. 他还担任South End Neighborhood Association的主席.

作为一名退役老兵,西尔维娅致力于为我们的退伍军人提供最好的服务 提供服务,帮助他们重新融入社会. “I think we can do more for our veterans,” says Silvia. “There is so much that we can do to get rid of the red tape.他曾担任退伍军人联合委员会副主席 在联邦事务部,他审查了所有关于退伍军人的立法. In 2017, he 被发言人指派为公共安全联合委员会副主席 and Homeland Security. 他仍然积极参与退伍军人问题,是其中一员 福尔里弗越战老兵纪念墙委员会主席.

作为一名立法者,西尔维娅最引以为傲的一件事就是拨款 $300,000 for the Joseph A. Marshall Veterans center conveniently located at Bristol Community College’s Elsbree Street campus. “It is so important for our veterans to 有一个中心,他们可以与其他退伍军人建立联系,并得到他们需要的支持 to continue with their studies,” says Silvia. “Bristol Community College has a growing veteran’s population. 我经常和退伍军人谈论参加的重要性 因为我在新利18的经历帮助我开启了我的余生.”    

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